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"Honey is sweet, and so is knowledge, but knowledge is like the bee that made that sweet honey, you have to chase it through the pages of a book!" Thank You Mr. Falker by Patricia Pollaco

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Branding Myself

I attended the Mobilize conference yesterday with my amazing principal. In all that I absorbed last night, one idea that has continued to confound me is this: branding.

I admit, there were parts of the conference that left me way feeling way out of my depth. This was one of them.

This idea of branding came from a session that was speaking more to students just about to graduate, and the idea of leveraging mobile technology in order to start a business, land a job, or create something profitable. This idea of branding was suggested.

This led me to wonder what my brand is. This connected nicely to the conversation I had with my principal in reflecting on what I had done in the school over the last 4 years, enacting positive change.

Therefore, here is my manifesto on my brand.

Technology - this plays a key role in my teaching - and the role it plays is to enhance my teaching.

Literacy - This is my passion, and has been for quite some time. I love to teach students to read and write, speak, listen, view and represent.

Numeracy - though not my strongest, it is my drive to constantly improve. 

Social Justice - it is how I teach my content, a lens to view the world.

My brand, my teaching.


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